Monday, June 29, 2009

Let True Summer Begin

Downtown and I are going to a Royals game tonight. I know it is June almost July, but going to the first game of the year finally rings in summer. The look of the grass, the smell of the hot dogs, and the rednecks that you wounder how they even got in the game. It's as if heaven has come down to earth. And no the game isn't in Iowa, Shoeless Joe will not be present. I think people that live near their team and can go to more games don't feel the same as I do. I get one game a year, maybe, sometimes years between them. I love baseball and the child like join of seeing my beloved Cubs win on a given day. I wish people paid me a lot of money to run around in my pajamas.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A quick thought on Vick

I know my opinion a) doesn't matter and 2) won't be popular. But how does Michael Vick get treated like........I almost said criminal, cus he is. Anyway, treated like the lowest common denominator, when he took everything like a man, went to jail and served his time. And someone like Matt Jones can be smoking crack in his car, get caught and only be suspended 6 games. HE WAS SMOKING CRACK. HE should be out of the league for 2 years. If I had been found smoking crack, I would have been asked to step away from my job for more then six days. I think it is an easier lesson to teach a grown man or small children how to treat an animal, slash, pet, then it is to get them clean from crack. It's only my opinion, but then again I have never smoked crack or killed a I haven't smoked crack.