Friday, January 15, 2016

New Year, New Blog

Here we are, almost 7 years since we started this blog. Not much to show for it, mostly we have been dormant for the bast 6 years. I blame it on the fact that I have literally been hibernating in the deep woods of Southern Missouri. I have no explanation for the other guys. They're just lazy.

Actually, a lot has happened the past few years. I moved from the good ol' USA to Cambodia in 2010, where almost all sports happens in the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning. So I do a lot of reading about sports instead of watching. It's not that bad... except for the past 2 years the Royals have been relevant and went to the World Series. Not much sleep was had in October this year. Go Royals! I digress. I, along with Jim will be trying to post on here when the mood strikes. Hope its strikes hard and often. OW!

Ok here's to a new year of awesome sports blogging.